Monday, November 9, 2009

Not Me Monday.........

Here we go again.....that wonderful blog carnival from McKMama that we have all come to love and enjoy, "not me" MONDAY!! Come and join us, the more the merrier.  And please, please, pray for McKMama and her little guy, Stellan.  They are dealing with some medical issues, related to Stellan's STV, and really need all of our prayers.

Let's see, now what did I not do this past week?  Hummmmmm.............not so sure that I've got anything, except....

I did not get completely pulled in by baked goods, again, and eat 4 cinnamon rolls last night.  I would never let myself do something so crazy as to just completely throw willpower out the window and just go for it.  Never!!  And I did not totally enjoy every single little crumb.  I would never do that.

And I did not decide to let the family fend for themselves for dinner, after eating the cinnamon rolls, just so that I could stay out of the kitchen which is turning into my scary place.  Nope, I would never ever have my family fend for themselves.  Seriously, it's only maybe about once a week.  Really, I promise.

And I would never skip workout time this past week, I only got two hours in, because of life and the family.  As I have said before, I never let anything interfere with 'Rae Time'.  Never, ever, ever!!

I also did not do a photo shoot, I feel so fake saying that, this weekend with Mom, Dad, Daughter, Son, two horses, and four English Bulldogs.  Nope I would never take on something that could go so wrong and be so crazy.  I would never do that. (look for the photos later this week)

So that's it for me.  We probably won't be able to link up with McKMama, but I wanted to put my 'not me's' out there for the world to see.

Love to All,



  1. And I did not make pumpkin bars last night and eat half the pan. No way!!!!

    I am excited to see your family/horse photos! Sounds awesome.

  2. Cinnamon Rolls? Yummy! I wouldn't do it either! I too am looking forward to seeing those photos.
