Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Papa Munk

I would like to introduce all of you to one of the worlds most wonderful men and grandfathers. Papa Munk.

Papa Munk has been a part of my life for over 26 years. He has the sweetest spirit, a ready hug, a great big smile, and an 'I love you!' for me each time I see him, and a sense of humor that you would have to see to believe. He is also willing to share with anyone else that may need it, a hug or a big smile, or a nice joke to brighten their day.

He has given of himself the past 26 years by working in a rehab center, rehabilitating patients so that they can do things on their own such as feeding themselves, and he has enjoyed every minute of his time spent helping them. He has spent countless hours with each of his grandchildren teaching them, listening to them, and just playing with them. He has also raised three amazing sons who have grown into some pretty amazing men, midMan being the best, at least I think so.

He also spent 20 years enlisted in the Air Force and was even present at the landing of the Space Shuttle when it had to land in New Mexico back in the 80's, he was on the medical crew.(We love to throw that in because it's one of our families few claims to fame.) Overall Papa Munk is just a really really great guy. I am proud to be known as his daughter-in-law.

Over the past few months he has had a few moments, or episodes, where he has pretty much passed out and fallen to the floor. Some have been a little funny, like the one where he went running all the way across the room and the one where he bounced from wall to wall going down the hallway. I am not making light of the situation but sometimes you get so scared about something, or the thought of losing someone, that laughter is the only thing keeping you sane.

His last moment happened the day that we left on vacation back in July. He was singing to Grandma from the other room, while she was cooking, and all of a sudden he just stopped singing. She turned around to look and all she could see was his feet. Poor Grandma just laid on Papa and cried as Papa told her, 'I'll be OK.'. She was terrified. What else can you say.

We went on our vacation but we all vowed that Papa would for sure be going to the doctor when we got home. Vacation over, and Grandma held true to her promise. They ended up putting a heart monitor on Papa for a few days to see if they could catch one of his moments. No luck but a few times they called him and asked, "Are you OK?', because something was happening on the monitor. He would tell them that he was fine but even Papa started getting concerned.

The doctors decided that he needed to have an Angiogram. They scheduled that for August 18, and as you all know nothing good came out of that. While having the Angiogram Papa started to have a heart attack. They told Grandma that he was up in ICU having a heart attack and she asked them, 'So what are you going to do?'. They told her they were just going to give him something for the pain and just let the heart attack run it's course.

WHAT!?!? Can't they stop heart attacks? They do it all the time on TV. And what about all of the commercials telling us all to get to the hospital as soon as we can if we think we are having a heart attack? What is up with that? I'm lost! But I am also sure that if I think I'm having a heart attack I am still getting to the hospital as soon as I can. I figure they know better than I what can and can't be done.

Moving on..........

Papa Munk was released from the hospital this past Thursday, and we all sang for joy. He is not completely great but at least he is home and laughing and joking like normal. He's just not moving quite as fast, Grandma can run a lot faster than him now. He will go back to the doctor's in two weeks and they will give him some options as to where we need to go from here. We are all holding are breaths waiting to hear what comes next.

On a lighter note I wanted to share with you all what Papa Munk is really like. Wednesday, while he was still in the ICU, midMan and I were visiting with him. Each time he coughed, he is an ex-smoker now by 2 weeks and his body is clearing itself of all of the yuck, his blood pressure would go way down. We would just watch it on the monitor but the nurses and Papa Munk weren't worried so we just watched with Papa. When it was time for us to go and let someone else come visit, Papa told us to tell Grandma that the doctor had given us a new prescription for him. The prescription was for Grandma to get in their, with a cute little nightie, and get his blood pressure raised up by any means necessary. ha ha hee hee ha ha Oh Papa.........what are we gonna do with you?

I guess just love him with all that we have and be very thankful that he is still here.

Love to All,


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