Monday, March 1, 2010

'not me' Monday........

Here we go again. Yeah!! And now it's time for that fun weekly carnival that we all love, 'not me Monday!' Let's all join in and see what we got. I'm sure we have a lot of those 'not me's' just stored up and ready to share.

Oh boy, here I go!

It was not me who, after sitting in the Dr.'s office examining room for 30 minutes, waiting for a follow up visit on my knee surgery, discovered that I had forgotten to shave my legs.  Nope that was not me.  I never go more than one day between shaves (it's more like a week/weeks).  And it wasn't me that considered getting my big nail file out and trying to file all of that hair off of my legs.  Nope that was definitely not me, I would never be that desperate.  And it was not me who let out a big big sigh of relief when the Dr. just asked a few questions and didn't even ask to see my knee.  WHEW!!!  That was a close one, let's hope it doesn't happen again.  Yeah right!!!  It is so not me who hasn't shaved their legs for 2 weeks.  Nope, I would never in my life consider doing that.

I am sure that I have a million more 'not me's' but this one is the worst in the long line of 'not me's' this past month.  Hope you all enjoy the fun, lets hook up with MckMama and see what we've all been up to.

Love to All,



  1. Cute post! Been there and done that. A few weeks ago I was at the pediatrician's office and noticed that I was leaking milk. And the evidence was all over my shirt! Ahh! I had to suck it up and be proud to be a mama (but it was really really hard)!

  2. O poor Midrae, I suppose you just need that extra insulation where you're at, you know, keeps your legs from getting cold..

  3. LOL! Glad I'm not the only one :)

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