Monday, March 22, 2010

'not me' Monday........

Here we go again. Yeah!! And now it's time for that fun weekly carnival that we all love, 'not me Monday!' Let's all join in and see what we got. I'm sure we have a lot of those 'not me's' just stored up and ready to share.

So this week it was not me who, faced with a frozen car door, managed to break the door handle completely off of my car.  Nope, I did not just do that!  And I did not decide to not get it fixed because there is one little tiny piece that I can get a hold of to open the door.  Nope, I would never consider not spending money, just ask anyone.  I promise that my nickname is not 'Cheap'!  And I would never be proud of said nickname.  Nope not me!!

And on a brighter note, it was not me who was called to handle a photo shoot for a return customer.  And it is not me who is so completely excited and terrified at the same moment (can you just imagine what my stomach is doing right now) that I may go hide under the covers until my excitement overcomes me and I jump for joy.  Nope not me.

And it was not I who, while on the treadmill watching a scary movie, got so surprised at a moment in the movie that I almost fell off of the treadmill, which then caused midMan and tailEnd to completely lose it and start to laugh hysterically at me.  No that was definitely not me!!  I promise I never get startled, ever!!

So there you have it, I have bared my little soul to you all.  Come join in the fun and let's see what we all did not do this past week.

Love to All,



  1. sorry about almost falling off the treadmill... so funny. :) I'm sure not fun at the moment though! congrats on the photo shoot!

  2. you are so good at explaining your Not Me Mondays that I can actually picture you pulling off your door handle and about falling off the treadmill. Always brings a laugh to me. I'm really glad you didn't though. Have a good week. cheers, Kare

  3. Very comical! LMAO because it reminds me of the time when I was on the treadmill at Snap Fitness there in Cedar City, that I got so engrossed in what was going on the TV that I DID go flying off that thing. I laughed my A$$ off because it was just like a commercial that was being played repeatedly during that time. I was so embarassed! Luckily I was the only one there or I would have just died. Sorry about your car door handle though. And Congrats on the photo shoot. Very Exciting!!!!
